Sunday, January 14, 2007

Do you believe in Witchcraft and casting Spells?

I didn't used to...I still don't. But I, Carolina Summers, was accused of witchcraft back in old Salem.

I'm not a witch, truly I am not. My mistake was loving the wrong man.

How does one know who really is the right man?


Mona said...

You mean to tell me a man got you into this touble? When did you discover he was the wrong man for you? not too late I hope.
Ok.. two questions but you’ve got me curious.

The Spell said...

Yes, it was all over a man and now, centuries later I have a choice to make. Love spells.....

But is he really the wrong man for me? I don't know. He could really be the right one.

Rashmi said...

I know using spells to get someone to love you isn't a good thing, but can't you cast a spell to find if someone has feelings for you?

The Spell said...

Well, based on my experience bookworm I wouldn't even do that. The outcome may be more than you would ever want and not in a good way.